In 2022, the Organizing Committee of the 10th International Conference of Community Psychology and Meeting of Socio-community Experiences in University Extension, called for applications to presentate articles that reflect upon socio-community dimension in extension experiences that are developed at the University of the Republic.
With the aim of enhancing collective reflection efforts, in the month of October of 2022 a colloquium was held in which the authors and reviewers of said articles carried out a fruitful exchange that allowed progress in the conceptual discussion of some categories present in the extension task and in socio-community work, contributing to the training of teachers and students.
The work and exchanges resulting from the Colloquium were reflected in the book titled: “Socio-community experiences in university extension: unfinished dialogues” which can be accessed at the following link: Socio-community experiences in university extension: unfinished dialogues. Its presentation was made at the II International Congress of Psychology, held at the Faculty of Psychology of Udelar, in June 2023.
The publication and the colloquium were an opportunity for further study, debate and exchange in a group that has been forming since 2021, helping to consolidate the bases for holding the event in 2024.